
Evaluation of a Design Guide for Highway Noise Barriers in the State of Texas

Zdanis, Debra A.


During the initial phase of study 1471, a series of phone interviews was conducted with structural engineers from five of the TxDOT districts that had experience in the design and construction of at least one noise barrier. From these phone interviews, it was concluded that the availability of a statewide design guideline would reduce the design cost and increase the cost-effectiveness of each new barrier. Thus, improvements to current materials and design concepts was researched to gather information for a design guide. Drafts of the Design Guide were then evaluated to make it effective and useful in the design practice. In one evaluation, a noise barrier in Houston was re-designed using the Design Guide and yielded results in full agreement with the original design. Other evaluations presented comments and recommendations on TxDOT policy, aesthetic issues, and the current design process in the Houston District. These recommendations were used to revise the Design Guide.

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